Yacht Deliveries

As many of our regular followers know, a big part of what we do at WellFound Yachts is to help our clients move their boats around.

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Sailing adventures!

Many people just don’t have the time to spend a week or two at sea, but want the convenience of having their boats in some other location away from their local cruising ground.


We typically move boats around the east coast of the US and down to the Caribbean, but we have also taken boats out into the Pacific as far as the Philippines and a few years ago we sailed one of our client’s boats to Italy. Many years ago I delivered a boat from the UK, overland across the Negev Desert in Israel and south through the Red Sea (it’s really not red) to the Seychelle Islands off of Africa (but that is yet another story).

We also have many clients who are new to offshore sailing and would like the opportunity to get some time offshore with someone who has lots of experience.

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Nice weather while sailing north


Great sailing while on delivery….


If you are interested in getting some offshore experience, just send us a short note telling us about yourself along with some contact info.

You just might be on the verge of the biggest adventure of your life!


E mail Mark@WellFoundYachts.com